Welcome to Episode #68 of the Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind podcast which sees Tee-J Sutherland, Dan Collacott and Imran Mirza finally delve into our long-talked about fantasy booking of the perhaps-never-going-to-happen PPV, AEW vs WWE.
An incredibly fun episode that should both excite and infuriate wrestling purists as the CENK trio outline an exclusive WrestleMania-esque two-night event allotting for eight matches per night, three pre-show matches, including selecting the venue as well as our respective announce teams. Feel free to let us know which of the team put on the best show and how you would best use mega stars like CM Punk, Seth Rollins, Kenny Omega, MJF, etc.
The 4Ever team...Welcome to 4ever in Electric Dreams which is the virtual HQ and home to our burgeoning podcast network spearheaded by our flagship series, Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind (C.E.N.K.). Our podcasts are available on the following platforms:
November 2024