Welcome to the final part of our three-part series which will see the Close Encounters team each select a piece of genre fiction and alter the ending to their own satisfaction. With past episodes revolving around Battlestar Galactica and The Watchmen, this episode sees Imran tear into the closing moments of Christopher Nolan's revered Dark Knight Trilogy. Despite professing to love the film, find out what it is about the movie that just grinds his gears and what he would have done differently to bring this incredible series of movies to a close.
Welcome to part two of our three-part series which will see the Close Encounters team each select a piece of genre fiction and alter the ending to their own satisfaction. This week sees Tee-J place The Watchmen in his firing line - a movie already fairly well-known for its divisive conclusion. Tune in to hear what Tee-J would do differently as we discuss the film, how the movie ending played out and what Tee-J would do differently.
Welcome to the first episode of our new three-part series which will see the Close Encounters team each select a piece of genre fiction and alter the ending to their own satisfaction. Dan is up first and his selection revolves around the revered sci-fi series, Battlestar Galactica. Don't be put off if you've never seen BSG as we provide a full introduction to the show's premise and its themes before discussing the ending as it played out and what Dan would change about it.
The 4Ever team...Welcome to 4ever in Electric Dreams which is the virtual HQ and home to our burgeoning podcast network spearheaded by our flagship series, Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind (C.E.N.K.). Our podcasts are available on the following platforms:
January 2025