We want to extend a special thanks to our friends over at Blue-in-Green:RADIO for allowing us to share the enclosed audio. Since the shocking, and frankly horrifying, events of last month, the radio station has made the difficult decision to end phone-ins during their live broadcasts. Although a difficult decision to make, it is one that many have understood to be the only course of action available.
Despite the police maintaining that no laws were actually broken, the radio station has no recourse but to put the safety of its presenters and its listeners as its top priority. Blue-in-Green:RADIO have issued an official statement and understandably want to draw a line under the matter. Releasing the full and unedited audio is the radio station's final comment on the matter. Please note that should you decide to listen that discretion is advised as the recording contains extremely strong language and distressing scenes. Blue-in-Green:RADIO is a London-based soul, jazz & funk radio station and you can discover more about the station at: www.blueingreenradio.com
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November 2024