Welcome to Episode #27 of the Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind podcast. Today's episode sees the C.E.N.K. team attempt to delve into the future of cinema. We look at the impact of piracy, streaming and improved home cinema technology and how they have gone on to rival the cinema-going experience. And will Coronavirus force cinema to adapt in strange and unusual ways for fear of being cut out of the movie-watching relationship between film studios and viewers?
Welcome to episode #3 of the 90s State of Mind podcast - a collaborative project between 4ever in Electric Dreams and Blue-in-Green:RADIO. This podcast sees Imran Mirza celebrate incredible albums from the 1990s alongside a variety of Blue-in-Green:RADIO presenters.
This episode sees Imran and Sean Sophiea (Niigata, Japan) - Blue-in-Green:RADIO presenter and creator of Raw Select Music - delve into the project that has subsequently been dubbed "the greatest DJ mix of all time". Released in 1995 as part of the 'Journeys by DJ' series which saw heavy-hitters like Norman Jay, Gilles Peterson, amongst others, present their selections, the UK duo Coldcut delivered this incredible genre-spanning masterpiece. In support of this episode, Sean was super kind enough to dig out links to some of the discussion points featured throughout the conversation which you can find below: "New Colour: Coldcut’s Journeys By DJ - 70 Minutes of Madness" ::: The Quietus Coldcut In Their Own Words ::: DJ Mag Insight www.blueingreenradio.com TuneIn: bit.ly/2LBK0BD Blue-in-Green:RADIO is a London-based online internet radio station which celebrates 21st century soul, jazz, funk, Latin & hip-hop music.
Welcome to Episode #26 of the Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind podcast. Today's episode sees the C.E.N.K. team attempt to answer the question - "does free speech actually exist?". What is in fact the desired and ideal utopia regarding free speech - is it having the right to say what we each feel without being challenged? Or is it about saying what we feel and people being free to actually challenge?
DISCLAIMER: For this episode, we would like to offer a disclaimer that the opinions expressed within the episode are in no way intended to cause offence; the opinions are our own and are in no way intended to upset or anger any one person, party or group. The episode's closing song is 'Express Yourself' by Kahil El'Zabar. |
The 4Ever team...Welcome to 4ever in Electric Dreams which is the virtual HQ and home to our burgeoning podcast network spearheaded by our flagship series, Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind (C.E.N.K.). Our podcasts are available on the following platforms:
November 2024