Episode #48 of the Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind podcast sees the team put their geek credentials on the line in epic fashion with the first of our Quiz Night-themed episodes. Dan Collacott and Tee-J Sutherland are put through their paces courtesy of ruthless Quiz Master, Imran Mirza, as we delve into head-first into the MCU tackling a range of different questions like...
"In Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket claims to need three things in order to escape the prison - a security band, a battery and...?" If you know the answer to this then you should definitely be competing against Dan and Tee-J so press play immediately and if you don't know, then press play anyway for a ridiculously tense and fun episode. With more Quiz Nights to come over the coming months, we'd love to know what you thought of our first attempt.
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The 4Ever team...Welcome to 4ever in Electric Dreams which is the virtual HQ and home to our burgeoning podcast network spearheaded by our flagship series, Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind (C.E.N.K.). Our podcasts are available on the following platforms:
November 2024